Front Row

New York Fashion Week FW21 – NIHL Creates a Queer Wardrobe with Great Conversation-Starters

A queer wardrobe isn’t just a bunch of colorful, dazzling outfits inspired by divas of the past, and screaming “more is more.” This NIHL FW21 collection, presented digitally at the NYFW, shows that this wardrobe hides some artisanal gems, hours of experimentation with old & new techniques, a very eclectic process, and keynotes on gender boundaries, cultural perceptions, art, and societal clichĂ©s. Through trial and error, the brand suggests a freer approach to traditional fashion references, silhouettes, and icons. COVID19 might have had an impact on production, with simpler ideas put forward, still, the outcome is exciting, vibrant, avant-garde, and sophisticated.

NIHL was founded by artist and designer Neil Grotzinger. Born and raised in Colorado, Grotzinger draws inspiration from dispositions of thought based around the concepts of masculinity and femininity that saturated his midwestern, suburban upbringing. utilizing iconic symbols and signifiers as tools for subversion, he intends to break down cultural constructions and put them back together in ways that are Queer, alternative and socially empowering.

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