It’s not only UGGs that make us reverse our aesthetics. There are other more interesting versions of bizarre shoes. Have you seen the Manimal dessert shoes, handmade by only three craftspeople and designed by Kristen Lombardi? They are much more appealing to the eye, though peculiar. Made of recycled leather scraps and inspired by traditional desert-tribes’ costumes and animal figures, are really impressive and attractive to the “green” minds. The designer is a New England native, based outside Brooklyn. She makes accessories aiming at bringing us closer to Nature and organic forms. If you need something bizarre, then you could possibly differentiate from UGG aficionados choosing Manimals!
Είναι περίεργα, οικολογικά και χειροποίητα. Με έμπνευση από τις φυλές της ερήμου και το ζωικό βασίλειο, η σχεδιάστρια Kristen Lombardi δημιούργησε τα Manimal dessert shoes που διαφέρουν πολύ από τα πολυφορεμένα και πλέον παρωχημένα UGGs.
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